I love warriors! I am Dewleaf of CloudClan. I finished reading the warriors series, and almost finished with the manga. I am Erin Hunters biggest fan! The quiz is sometimes wrong, but the app is great! Heres more about me:
Name- Dewleaf
Clan- CloudClan
Appearance- Sleek, shiny, silver fur with beautiful green eyes
Mate- Thunderstar (leader of CloudClan)
Kits- Stormkit(she-kit with a black pelt splotched with white and green eyes) Nightkit(all black she-kit with green eyes) Sootkit(Grayish blackish tom with blue eyes)
Mother- Blackwing(black she-cat with blue eyes)
Father- Rainfur(White tom with black splotches on his pelt and blue eyes)
Dewleaf peered out of warriors den. It had been a moon since her kits were made apprentices. Thunderstar had chosen Shinetail to mentor Sootpaw, Rainflower for Nightpaw, and Sunstrike for Stormpaw. Already Stormpaw and Ripplepaw were great friends. Ripplepaw was a sleek ginger tom with black paws, and a splotch of black on his back. Nightpaw and Sootpaw were getting on fine too with Mistypaw and Mosspaw. "Thunderstar!" Dewleaf heard yowling. It sounded like Sunstrike! Sunstrike burst into camp. "Thunderstar, SoulClan is attacking! Come quick! Stormpaw is hiding but theyre bound to find her!" Sunstrike said breathlessly. "Coming right away. Dewleaf, Blackwing, Rainfur, Mistypaw, Mosspaw, Ripplepaw, Rainflower, and Shinetail! Come here. You will be my battle patrol," Thunderstar said calmly. Panic was coursing through Dewleafs body. She had to get there fast before they killed Stormpaw!
Dewleaf looked around the blood soaked clearing. They had won, but only barely. She froze when she saw Rainfur. He was laying on his side blood streaming out of a wound in his side. "Rainfur!" She yowled. She quickly went over to crouch beside him. His breathing was shallow. Dewleaf looked into his blue eyes. Rainfur coughed. "Dewleaf? Where is Blackwing?" He asked. "Blackwing!" Dewleaf yowled. Blackwing came hurrying over to her mate. "No, no! Rainfur dont leave me!" She whimpered. But it was too late. Rainfurs breathing stopped. "Rainfur..." Dewleaf choked out. "My love!" Blackwing layed her head on Rainfurs flank. Dewleaf walked away grief dragging her paws. Her father was dead. SoulClan killed him. "I will avenge you Rainfur!" Dewleaf promised.
about Warriors