Ok, its good, but please make an adventure mode.
U is doing RP! Ok this me:
Name: Featherclaw
Gender-she cat
Color- silver dappled tabby with black markings
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Wolfclan
Mother: Leafheart
Father: Hailstrike
LitterMates: Ashstripe, Watertail, Thrushstorm
Mate: none
Kits: none- duh
Clan leader: Songstar-gray mottled she cat
Join Wolfclan on the spirit animals app. I will be there. Prolly.
About Wolfclan. The clan is different. It just is. Well, here is our backstory. Once there was a cat named Wolfheart. He lived in windclan. One day, windclan took in a couple of baby foxes to raise as warriors. After they became warriors, (Redheart, Foxtail) they were falsely accused of killing one queens kits. They were killed. Wolf heart and other warriors left their clans and made a new clan, Wolfclan, were any animal is welcome.
HawkfrostPineapple about Warriors