This is overall great! Even though Ive read all of the books (yes even the new one about Alderpaw and Sparkpaw) Its still quite fun to come back and do the trivia... Until the wrong answers are the right answers ect. So, I recently created a new OC and I need some feedback!
Name: Ravenstorm
Gender: Male
Clan: CanyonClan
Rank: Warrior/ Mentor
Fur color: Black with white markings and gray stripes
Eye color: Light blue
Mother: Seedleap
Father: Sprucestar
Siblings: Shadeclaw, Jayspot, Bumblepaw and Sleetpaw
Mate: Fawnwhisker
Kits: Amberblaze, Shineburr, Lilacnose, Seedtail and Gorseclaw
Ravenkit was found dying of green cough outside of the CanyonClan camp. He was taken in and was healed, only to learn that his parents were from MistClan and that he would have to go back. Ravenkit wouldnt go back. His parents had sent him away because he was a runt. CanyonClan accepted his will to stay with them and was given adoptive parents, Sprucestar and Seedleap. His real parents were never known, and Ravenkit felt happy knowing his new parents loved him for who he was. He grew up under their loving care until Seedleap grew ill and died of the rare Blackcough that Echoheart couldnt figure out how to heal in time. Ravenpaw was given the stern warrior, Quickhawk as a mentor and became a warrior after twelve moons of successful training. His name was Ravenstorm after his hard life, but storming determination to fit in with cats that admired him. When his father, Sprucestar asked him to be his deputy three moons later, Ravenstorm kindly objected. He still had a lot to learn before being second in charge of a large clan like CanyonClan and there were better, wiser warriors like Lionclaw and Quailfeather to take his place. Soon he and Fawnwhisker grew close and had kits together. Amberkit, Shinekit, Lilackit, Lilykit and Gorsekit. Ravenstorm was then given his first apprentice, Cedarpaw. (In CanyonClan you can be deputy before getting an apprentice) Ravenstorm lived happily in CanyonClan after that and was very proud when his kits became apprentices, then warriors. (Shineburr is med. cat) When Amberblaze revealed she was expecting Cedarstorms kits, Ravenstorm and Fawnwhisker were proud once again. Ravenstorm has yet to become deputy, then leader of CanyonClan, but he still has much more to learn before taking on the challenges that I have to offer.
Kellyinthewoods about Warriors