Hi! Im meta kitty!
Hi guys Im meta kitty! (Pet cat of meta knight) and I gonna tell you a bit about myself! (This is not much about warriors)
Also if you play Kirby this is all about that. YO GET DAT?!
Meta kitty:dark blue cat with white front paws and purple back paws.she has a cape that can turn into wings and she has a mask like meta knight except it has a hole so she can breathe.
Now for some of the other cats I know!
WARNING! Spoilers for kirby super star/super star ultra!!!!!! And Kirby return to dreamland!
Marx(but his owner calls him Marxy sometimes lol):a light purple cat with brown back paws(they almost make it look like he is wearing socks)he has a red bow for a collar and if mad he will go crazy and have wings just like his owners.
Galacta kitty(his owner calls him galactic to):a hot pink cat with red back paws.he has white angel wings and a mask like his owners but again,it has a hole to breathe through.
Kirby(Kirby just called him poyo so we just named him Kirby instead) a pink cat with red back paws and large blue eyes (he looks pretty cute)
Maggie:a pretty she cat with a hat that looks like magolors.her collar looks like his belt-scarf thing (I dunno what it is
Pinkietaylor2005 about
Warriors, v2.0