Hello, I am a huge fan of warrior books and own about 21 of them so I have read a lot of them multiple times. I decided to get this app so I dont have to hunt down the super edition that I have to find out a little bit more about certain cats, I love the app for saying their parents and what their previous names have been, their mates, and sometimes a little unheard of bonus blurb (please make more of these). Sometimes the information is not there or wrong. For example, on Firestars page, it says a little bonus blurb about Firestars mother, but in the mother affiliation it says unknown and everyone should know that Jake is his father but that says unknown too. Its the little things like this that make me upset, such a great book series and SOON TO BE MOVIE needs have a better app. Five things that would make this amazing.... More cat biographies, up to date book list page, maybe a way to track your stats in the warrior adventure series in omen of the stars, user submitted trivia questions, and accurate information. Thank you for reading.
AKAAXRAM about Warriors, v2.0